English Program Teachers’ Observation: Teaching is a Lifelong Learning

English Program invited Miss Chanya Sunthorntruek to share her expertise for a Classroom Observation & Reflection project from 22 - 24 January 2024. Miss Chanya has extensive experience in Guidance and Educational Psychology and is also a retired teacher of ACSP EP.
Miss Chanya observed the three Primary 1 classes during the week. After the class observation, teachers received verbal and written feedback outlining areas for improvement, teaching and learning academic in-depth content, active learning, and student behavior intervention strategies.
This project was organized to provide professional development training for teachers and work towards the quality education standard that EP is pursuing. It also served as a good opportunity to explore how the teaching methods are being integrated and if they can be further improved.
EP believes collaborative and objective assessments are beneficial for teachers' professional development, which in turn will be beneficial for our EP learners.
ACSP EP would like to take this opportunity to give credit to the Academic team for managing the event and thank teachers for a
wonderful performance, and their continual hard work.