English Program Primary 4-6 Adventure Story Writing Contest

All Primary 4 students
The famous author Benjamin Franklin once said “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing”.
Expressing oneself can be very difficult and tiring sometimes. Everyone is different in expressing their thoughts, actions, and will. On the other hand, it is awesome to know that there are also people who openly talk through the tips of their pen.
During the ACSP-EP International Week Celebration from the 22nd until the 26th of January 2024, All Primary 4 students had their Adventure Story Writing Contest within their class and across to other Primary 4 sections.
Everyone was excited to participate in the contest to receive the award and certificate. The students are challenged to create the best story by following the given criteria; an interesting plot, setting & atmosphere, Onomatopoeias, grammar, spelling, and reading fluency and delivery.
According to the National Research Council in 2015, writing stories can be exciting and fun for kids to explore their creativity, develop their language abilities, expand their vocabulary, practice critical thinking, and build their communication skills. Not only does writing stories improve a child’s writing skills, but it can also boost their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and self-expression.
The contest's objective was to encourage students to express their imaginations and ideas by writing them independently and creatively. To enhance their writing skills by using the English language to reach readers around them.
Mr. Christopher Tatchell, the facilitator of the contest selects the top 3 best stories in each level. On the 6th of February, the top best authors were announced in the class; 1st place was awarded to PAVARISA KURASATHIAN, 2nd was SASIPAT TETCHAKRAILERT and 3rd was MAYSAR WATANADILOKKUL.
Congratulations to all winners and a big salute to all Primary 4 students who did their best to submit their writings. Also, special thanks to the English department and facilitators for your guidance and support!