ACSP English Program Primary 6 Speech Presentation

Do you have stage fright?
Stage fright is a type of performance anxiety or extreme fear of public speaking.
The English language is quite challenging for many students, especially for those who are secondary speakers. They deal with different emotions; some are excited and some are scared. As a global language, English is one of the most highly used for communication that connects people to the world.
Mr. Christopher Tatchell, the Reading and Writing Teacher conducted a classroom speech presentation in the Primary 6 class from January 22nd until 26th.
Firstly, students prepared their speech by choosing a topic about nature, particularly living creatures. They chose penguins, butterflies, spiders, pigs, monkeys, mammoths, and many more.
Secondly, they researched the facts of the topic they had chosen. Its nature of living such as habitat, food, likeness, uniqueness, species, and characteristics. With the gathered information, they created their speech using their own style and choice of vocabulary and sentences.
Finally, each of them presented their speech in front of the class. Some were confident while others were shy to speak in front of their classmates. Mr. Christopher Tatchell encouraged those students who had difficulty speaking in front of the audience to present their speech with a partner to overcome their fear and shyness.
The objective of the activity was to help students improve their English-speaking skills in terms of eloquence and proficiency. It also boosted their confidence to speak the language fearlessly in all kinds of situations.
With the utmost guidance of the teacher, the students can communicate in English to the best of their ability, not only to speak well but to broaden their knowledge in terms of spelling and grammar.
The English Program would like to thank the participation of all Primary 6 students with their class teacher Mr. Christopher Tatchell.