ACSP English Program Secondary 1 SMART: Protozoa Research Project with Ajarn Siravit

ACSP invited Ajarn Siravit Sinprasertrat, a STEM education coach, for a four-session Protozoa Research Project activity for the S1 SMART class. The four parts included: the protozoa, the microscopic world of protozoa, culturing, and scientific research. The four-session activity will be held on 23 & 30 January and 6 & 20 February respectively.
This week, Ajarn Siravit introduced the protozoa and its 4 major groups, the Amoeboid protozoa or sarcodines, Flagellated protozoa or zooflagellates, Ciliated protozoa or ciliates, and Sporozoans to the Secondary 1 students. Then, he divided the class into groups and led them to the pond in front of the school to collect water samples for a hands-on activity.
Each group was tasked to examine the behavior of the protozoa from the water sample they collected under the microscope lens and describe what it looked like. Students had an engaging lesson learned a lot in this first session, and are excited about what is coming next.
EP and the Science Department will continue to plan and design more engaging activities to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills for our students’ lifelong learning.