ACSP EP Good Manners Award Ceremony

English Program Discipline department led by Miss Siriwan Yuthongkham, held the EP Good Manners Award Ceremony at the Albert Lawrence Hall on 6 December 2023, with Bro. Manit Sakonthawat, vice director/EP consultant. This annual ceremony is to commend students who performed exceptionally in the Thai Etiquette Training (from mid-August to 6 September 2023) and EP Good Manners Competition which was held between 4-6 September 2023.
Through these activities, the students learned how to give and receive the Wai properly towards monks, their parents, grandparents, elders, relatives, teachers, and friends/peers, whilst also learning correct social etiquette. The participants were scored according to the following criteria: accuracy, unity, naturalness, personality, and confidence. The winners received a trophy and certificate.
The school would like to take this opportunity to thank the event organizers and once again congratulate the students who received an award.