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ACSP and Dusit Thani College: S4 Trendy Culinary

ACSP English Program in coordination with Dusit Thani College organised the Eyes Eat First Food Photography Workshop for Secondary 4 Trendy Culinary students at DTC Campus on 12 September 2023.

EP administrative team and Miss Amornpan Seesuk, ACSP Culinary teacher, coordinated with Chef Cheewin Kachendecha, and Dusit Thani College to have EP S4 students do their final project presentation at the DCT Campus. This project will display the concept of elevating food aesthetics through creative photography. Chef Cheewin also emphasized that a good food photo should bring forth the food's best traits and its inherent deliciousness. A dish's colours and textures should also be highlighted not muted or hidden. Learning in Trendy Culinary class will help students balance their diet to have healthier bodies, enjoy different cuisines and flavors around the world, and be more responsible and helpful with in-house chores.


This workshop also served as a hands-on experience for those who would like to pursue Culinary for their university studies. The English Program would like to express gratitude to Dusit Thani College and all the people who made this workshop successful.


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