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ACSP and Gakushuin Women’s College, Japan

ACSP led by Vice Director Bro. Natton Suphon welcomed 22 visitors from Gakushuin Women’s College (GWC), Japan for the overseas Thai cultural study trip for Japanese students, on 6 September 2023.

On 4 August, both schools planned and discussed various long-term relationship collaborations that will help students have a better learning experience, such as this overseas Thai cultural study trip. The 2 Associate Professors, Mr. Hiroaki Sakurai, and Ms. Sayaka Hashimoto from GWC were happy to revisit ACSP with their students.

EP and GWC students built good friendships while having fun doing the prepared activities; namely learning the Thai language, making Thai desserts, Thai dancing, and the ‘let’s wear Japanese yukata’ activity. Bro. Natton gave GWC visitors a certificate of appreciation.


Gakushuin Women's College is a private women's college in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan; part of the Gakushūin School Corporation. The predecessor of the school was founded in 1847 by Emperor Kōmei. It was chartered as a junior college in 1949 and became a four-year college in 1998 (https://www.gwc.gakushuin.ac.jp/english/).


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