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Mother's Day Special: Honor the Light of our Family

On August 10-11, 2023, English Program held various activities for the Mother’s Day Celebration: Honor the Light of our Family. August is a very special month in Thailand. It is the month of Her Majesty, the Queen Mother’s Birthday. It is an occasion for students to celebrate and express their love and gratitude for their mothers, and important women in their lives.

The students gave a jasmine flower as a simple token of gratitude and Wai (the Thai traditional bow to show respect) to their mother. During the ceremony, Nantachakarn Worasaen of Secondary 5/9 delivered a heartwarming speech dedicated to all mothers, touching the hearts of the audience. Students prepared splendid performances like role-playing, dance, and songs for their mom. The winners in the essay contest also presented their winning pieces. These essays summarized how a mother's love has no condition or expiration.


During the whole month of August, English Program has designed lots of classroom activities with the Mother’s Day atmosphere in mind, with students actively involved in all tasks. ACSP EP would like to thank the event organizers, teachers, parents, school community, and all who supported this event as we celebrate all the mothers and important women across the country.


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