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EP P1 Open House 2023: School Admission

ACSP held our annual Open House for incoming Primary 1 students on August 6, 2023. The event was divided into two sessions. The first session was held at Silver Jubilee Hall where parents met the school administration and had a briefing of the programs offered by ACSP, the English Program (EP) and the Modern Language Program (MLP). The second session was held at St. Louis Arena where parents toured different booths set up by teachers, with presentations by students.

The 5 fun and interesting booths prepared by the English Program were: Language Garden (English, Chinese, and Thai departments), SciMaTech (Science & Mathematics departments), Youth Builders & Leaders (Social Studies department), Chair ball race (Health & PE department), and Education for the Future (EP Academics). EP also prepared many special stage performances to display students' talent in music, dance, and arts.


ACSP EP would like to thank the school community who made this event successful and the parents who visited us. We are looking forward to having you as our new members.


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