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EP Foreign Teacher Orientation AY2023

English Program held the annual Foreign Teacher Orientation for the academic year 2023 with the theme “Refresh our best practices with renewed spirits” at Silver Jubilee Hall, 15-16 May 2023.

ACSP welcomed new members, Bro. Natton Suphon, new Vice Director, and new teachers who will be working with the school for the new academic year.

Mr. Samuel Needham, head of foreign teachers EP, presided over the orientation. School policies were discussed, alongside AI supportive systems (ChatGPT), teacher wellbeing, and the Directors message.

There was a department meeting conducted by HODs to support their members and mapped out their department’s goals for AY2023. All teachers are rearing to go for Academic Year 2023 and are busy planning out their exciting and engaging classes as we speak.


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