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Secondary 2-3 English Program Activity

The EP activity class for Secondary 2-3 students had a fun time with group building, guessing my movie role, and tower-building activities for their first lesson. These activities aimed to promote student's learning and to build a sense of community in the classroom. The class began with a getting to know activity which allowed both teacher and students to get to know each other and their expectations with the subject.

Following the introduction, the teacher facilitated a group building activity where the students were tasked to name their group and design a team logo with an animal theme. This activity encouraged collaboration and allowed the students to work together towards a common goal.



Next, the students played an ice-breaking game called Guessing my movie role, where they acted like movie actors and had to guess each other's roles. This game helped the students to become more comfortable with each other and break down any barriers that may have existed.

Finally, the students engaged in a tower-building activity using toothpicks and Styrofoam. This activity required them to use their thinking and creativity skills to build a tall and strong tower. This hands-on activity challenged the students to think critically and work together to overcome any obstacles that arose.

Through these activities designed by Mr. Bartholomew Badar, a Business and Design thinking teacher, the students gained valuable academic and social benefits. They learned how to work effectively in a team, honed their communication skills, and developed their problem-solving abilities. They also had fun and enjoyed the opportunity to engage in a hands-on activity that challenged them to think outside the box. Overall, this activity was a success in promoting student learning and building a sense of community in the classroom.


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