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Primary 1 STEM project: Marshmallow Pasta

At the Discovery Centre, ACSP EP Primary 1 students were challenged with a STEM project planned by Mr. Samuel Needham, Mathematics teacher & EP Foreign teachers coordinator. STEM is a subject that combines the science, technology, engineering, and math domains.

The challenge of this STEM project was to build the highest marshmallow pasta tower they could. Before beginning there was a class discussion about 2D and 3D shapes, and the strength of each type of structure. Then, they set off on their task after being provided with marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti.

There were many excellent attempts at building towers, but once the 20 minutes were up, quite a few fell when the children stopped holding them. Some remained standing and the highest tower was the winner, prompting much discussion and insight from the class. We hope the children had a wonderful learning experience and a lot of fun.


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