Primary 1 Open House 2022: Explore a New Horizon for Future Education
ACSP held P1 Open House 2022: Explore a New Horizon for Future Education to promote and present what the school can offer for the aspiring and incoming Primary 1 students AY2023.
Visitors were welcomed with a special stage performance by Primary students. Learners did their best, presenting their English and Chinese language speaking skills as well as their talents in dancing and how they learn in the classroom.
Brother’s Consultant Mr. Thongban Thamyota, welcomed all parents and visitors on behalf of the School Director Bro. Dr. Monthol Prathumarach. He also shared the welcoming message on behalf of Bro. Dr. Monthol. The Head of MLP Academics Ms. Rungrat Kamolsiriprasert, and Ms. Jiraporn Jittham, Head of English Program presented the important matters Primary 1 parents needed to know; school curriculum, different offers, development plan, and difference in university pathways, that they can look forward to seeing when their students learn in MLP and EP, respectively.
They also learnt about the admission process for Primary 1: Interview, Admission Evaluation, and other requirements.
Student ambassadors guided the parents and visitors for a brief classroom tour and proceeded to the Booths at Saint Louis Arena. English Program prepared 4 special booths, Language Garden, SciMaTech, Youth Builders & Leaders, and Education for the Future. There were also special stage presentations and a little speech prepared by Primary 1 to 6 students.
ACSP would like to thank all the teachers and students for preparing the special performances and would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and visitors for taking part in this wonderful event. We are looking forward to welcoming you next academic year.