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Secondary 6 EIS Presentation: Speak for your Health

Albert Lawrence Hall – Secondary 6 learners displayed their knowledge and confidence in the EIS Presentation: Speak for your Health activity planned by Mr. Phil Durham. The students must emphasize the key details, use pauses in delivering their speeches effectively and use their prepared visuals efficiently, 31 May 2022.

This activity was designed on topics about Health management. Students presented in the Albert Lawrence Hall in front of their peers and teacher. This hall served as a great stage to simulate a future scenario our students may find themselves in during their future careers.

This activity consists of a presentation followed by questioning from the audience members. Mr. Phil assessed their performance according to the following learning outcomes: To develop public speaking skills, improve student confidence, provide an opportunity for students to construct a presentation on important issues & develop their organization skills and to assess it according to the set evaluation criteria.


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